The story of Seven Oaks Ranch began as an 8th grade economics class project. Seven Oaks Ranch was the name of the ranch in Ojai, California where the Brutoco family was living in the early 2000’s. Son Orion and three of his friends approached father Rinaldo Brutoco for a school project about how to build a business from scratch. 

Orion and his friends wanted to bring a new product to life and sell it to customers. Father Rinaldo agreed to meet with the team once a week after school. They chose a recipe that the Brutoco’s had created in their home: A delectable organic toasted garlic and organic olive oil condiment which can be spooned on to any dish to recreate the taste of Italy in every bite. 

The Brutoco’s created their unique product by importing the finest, extra virgin, first press organic olive oil and combined it with the organic garlic they were growing on their organic ranch.

The product ‘Garlic Gold’ was named after the ‘golden’ garlic nuggets floating in the olive oil that reminded the Brutoco’s of flecks of gold that were mined in the Sierra foothills of California. They started selling the product at the farmers market in Ojai where the “crunchy” Garlic Gold® quickly became a local favorite. 

As the sales went up, the project outgrew the Brutoco family home and needed a larger kitchen. In 2002, Dorason Corporation launched Seven Oaks Ranch—keeping the name of the family organic ranch—as an organic food company to offer Garlic Gold® to the nationwide market. 

Today, Garlic Gold® is produced in a 20,000 square feet facility in Ventura, California. The organic food company has created a dozen organic products around olive oil and garlic nuggets which are sold in supermarkets and grocery stores across the US. Seven Oaks Ranch is actively looking for more organic products to bring to market to serve healthy lifestyles. 

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Garlic Gold creators: father Rinaldo Brutoco (left) and son Orion Brutoco (right)